Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Introducing Cheesepuff the hamster!

My little sister got a hamster for her birthday and when I went home I decided to do a little bit of sister, sister, hamster bonding....hes really really really cute....

See look at those little whiskers and cute ears and adorable eyes!!! He makes a girl go weak and slushy in a way a man never could. Innocent, cute, pure, googly eyes! My sister decided to call him Cheesepuff because she fed him a little bit of cheese and he really seems to love it...not to mention, he's a puffy ball of cheesepuff just kinda stuck

After a few hours we felt it was only right that Cheesepuff was introduced to the rest of the family....I am sure that secretly he was thinking 'If I stay still long enough, no-one will notice me and I won't ever have to go back inside my cage again!!'...wahey...freedom!

Eventually Cheesepuff got a little bored of the miniture toys and realised his cheap ploy to go undetected will not work on such a clever family, so he ventured round the rest of 'le famille' home...and oh look!! Barbie!!!....

Yeah.....thats Cheesepuff taking advantage of Barbie all right...I could insert a rude joke here playing on cheesepuffs name and the region of Barbie in which he became interested....I know several males who can think of way wittier comments for this picture than me.....but you see, I'm just not that kinda girl....

In case you're wondering, I've confiscated Barbie, I don't think shes a very good influence on our cute Cheesepuff

I like my hamsters cute and innocent thank you very much


1 comment:

  1. Haha, what a great little hamster. He knows how to play the game.
