Tuesday 24 February 2009

The rules to the London Underground...yeah there are rules!!

So I was back in London at the weekend taking my usual train journey back home, when some people did several things that I must say annoyed me a little.
Theres a certain system to travelling in London...certain rules that people should abide to...it doesnt take a genius to work them out, I mean just look at everyone else and you will get the gist...yaa as a Londoner we pride ourselves on being totally original, unique and therefore we can wear what we like and do what we like and no-one would look twice and we would not care...(but this isn't Camden!!.. and you can't do what you like, and other people do look twice and you should care...on the underground at least)

So, I feel its my duty as an upstanding citizen of the United Kingdom and of high moral character to highlight these rules...

Rule #1: If you don't know me, don't talk to me.... train time is quiet time...unless you have a specific purpose that isn't to 'just chat'...like if you are lost and want to know whether the train is going via bank or via charing cross - I love helping lost people...what i don't like is strangers talking to me for the sake of it and asking where I live, Duh!

Rule #2: Singing to your Ipod is NOT cool...really...in your head you are hearing Mariah....in my head I am begging for the train to hurry

Rule #3: Don't eat smelly food or fart on the train...(although I have to admit I am guilty of this one myself; the smelly food not the farting...sometimes theres just no other convenient time to eat....as long as you don't touch anything with your hands...)

Rule #4: You stare at me and I WILL stare twice as hard

Rule #5: I know you have a mobile phone...I have one too....but I don't want to hear you playing your whole catalogue of ringtones and I don't want to hear the conversation about how you argued with your sisters boyfriend because he was too naughty for his own good

Rule #6: Public Displays of Affection (PDA's) are for hotel rooms...not trains

and very a very important rule for when in the underground but not on the trains..

Rule #7: When on the escalators, you STAND on the right and WALK on the left....this one is pretty obvious..and yet you can always tell a tourist because they think you can stand and chat away in pairs on the escalator and don't realise that when they are standing on the left, no-one is standing in front of them and there is a growing queue of annoyed looking Londoners standing behind them....but there is a system...a SYSTEM. if you are in a rush you WALK on the LEFT and to get there twice as fast...the RIGHT hand side is for people that have all the time in the world and 'like' the ride and therefore stand STILL....ok?...glad that was agreed!

So hey presto, the rules of the underground. :)
If I have missed any you can scream at me in your own time...otherwise a comment is more humane

....Oh and although I havn't seen any enforcement of these rules in the underground I did happen to see this sign at a bus stop on the way home...The text at the bottom says "A little thought from each of us, A big difference for everyone"
....ya ya my sentiments precisely


1 comment:

  1. LOL I like the rules, tubes are smelly.

    check out my blog on www.bollywood.blogspot.com
